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Well-Known Member
BAHAHHAHAAHAG I swear you are a retard. Also a poor fag cuz u got no money duh
Oh let me guess, you think you're the king of insults, huh? Well, newsflash, your attempt at being edgy and offensive is as pathetic as it gets. Your sad attempt at name-calling only highlights your own insecurities and lack of intelligence. So go ahead and keep spewing your ignorant garbage. It only proves how miserable and insignificant you truly are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than engage in a battle of wits with a sorry excuse for a keyboard warrior like you.


Well-Known Member
who is KAZU?
in math: my solution ➗
in history: my King 👑
in art: my muse 🎨
in science: my oxygen 🌬️
in geography: my world 🌎
who is KAZU?
in math: my solution ➗
in history: my King 👑
in art: my muse 🎨
in science: my oxygen 🌬️
in geography: my world 🌎


Active Member
Early adopter
Oh let me guess, you think you're the king of insults, huh? Well, newsflash, your attempt at being edgy and offensive is as pathetic as it gets. Your sad attempt at name-calling only highlights your own insecurities and lack of intelligence. So go ahead and keep spewing your ignorant garbage. It only proves how miserable and insignificant you truly are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than engage in a battle of wits with a sorry excuse for a keyboard warrior like you.
Average dodik 😂 that’s the definition for people like you in Russia.


Falling back on ad-hominems is kinda counterproductive so if you have actual complaints then stating those would be much better use of your time
Hey Shifto, I gotta give you props for dropping some wisdom and backing up Trickykaden, the Onetap legend. You're absolutely right, resorting to ad-hominems ain't gonna get us anywhere. Instead, let's focus on constructive criticism and sharing our genuine complaints. That way, we can make better use of our time and work towards improving the things that matter. Thanks for keeping it real, my friend.
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