Autopeek color

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I'm sure there is something that can be done through js, just seems too useless to take the effort to try.
The js is kinda broken. The js draws custom autopeek over the original one and sometimes u can see 2 autopeeks. I guess current api doesn't allow us to make fully customizable autopeek.


Active Member
The js is kinda broken. The js draws custom autopeek over the original one and sometimes u can see 2 autopeeks. I guess current api doesn't allow us to make fully customizable autopeek.
it's not broken. you should disable the cheat built in autopeek but the js doesn't have the teleport back thingy


Active Member
just make a script for it so you can change not that hard if im being honest
there are already script for the auto peek but they don't teleport you back (besides i don't have the experience or the know how on how to do it)