Current onetap home page contains false info on the state of the cs2 cheat. It is a copy paste of the csgo marketing page with the only thing changed being the word "csgo" which has been replaced by "cs2". The page advertises features that do not exist on the cheat at all, including things like night mode, Fullbright, backtrack, rage-aimbot, thirdperson, player chams, skin changer etc. This does not matter to me, as I knew I was buying a beta cheat, but I've noticed an influx of new users who don't know this, and are buying the cheat under false pretenses expecting more features. Many people in the shoutbox are complaining and asking where the features they were promised are (a lot of people asking where the skinchanger is). Overall I think its just bad look for onetap and I doubt that any of these people will repurchase onetap ever again because they feel like they've been misled.