Suggestion: Safepoint same Hitgroup

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could we get a checkbox named something like "Verify Hitgroup SP"
that makes sure that the safepoint we are about to shoot at, is the same hitgroup across all angles?

the current safepoint implementation simply grabs a point that overlaps with both max delta's in each direction, but doesnt verify if the hitgroups are still the same, which results in the cheat trying to shoot at the head for eg. 200dmg, but in reality hits the shoulder for 30dmg, while this is indeed a safepoint, the damage calculation is absolute off and the mindmg slider becomes entirely useless and inaccurate.

a lil backstore to this clip:
force safepoint "always" in general rage tab

according to ragebot_fire the targeted hitbox was 0, which is the head
according to the damage log we hit the chest for 22

looking at this screenshot, u can clearly see that if taking fake(blue transparent chams) head as reference, pretty much in the center of the hitbox we have a safepoint, which would be the left shoulder, that doesnt mean we will hit the other head tho, instead we would only do minor damage and expose our head due to shot fired to the enemy.



GrüSSe Masterlooser, I have been playing with this shit cheat for one month and I sometimes forgot to launch cs with -insecure
I never played mm or wingman only hvh and I got VAC banned 😂
Feels like I ripped something off of UC and then got insta banned like I'm using some pasta
I know this is a public cheat but come on man hhh

Also stay mashal air like the wind