Superior cheat review

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Ragebot / AntiAims
When I first bought this cheat I didn't know what some of the features meant until I realized you could hover over every feature and it explains it perfectly, from there every other feature is quite self-explanatory. Ever since I bought onetap, I haven't been in a single game where I went negative ( Besides the first game needed to make a config ;) ) When the cheat comes to scouting it's purely, insane matches where I am basically part of Faze hitting anything and anyone in my path. When it comes to the auto the cheat is astonishing being able to fakewalk people and just instantly destroying them. Now onto the antiaims all the way from fakelag to desync fake angles are perfect. All the different types of fakelag's and conditions are perfect in their own way, I have to admit being able to make people dump you is pretty satisfying. Although this cheat can have its moments it's currently one of the best cheats on the market.


I don't really use legitbot that much since I'm not into legit cheating so I can't really complain though while using it in one of the games I did play ( Prime MGE ) I didn't experience any issues, the smoothing, FOV and backtracking worked perfectly, also I didn't have any issues with being called for cheating.

10 / 10

Players / Visuals
From nightmode to chams, this cheat has everything you're going to need. Something I haven't seen in many cheats is being able to turn on nightmode and Fullbright at the same time and the fact that there is a nightmode slider. If your visuals are looking bad, I suggest you take some time configuring them because the outcome of it will be pleasing to the eyes. The skyboxes full work unlike a lot of cheats which is surprising and really good. One really cool feature I like about the visuals is the fact that this cheat has indicate flags like Ping, AA Arrows, LC and many more. These come in very useful whilst playing hvh. I legitimately haven't had any issues with visuals and players.


The miscellaneous section is well done. Basically every feature we could ask for, whilst using it I haven't experienced many issues. Different modes for the settings would be cool and useful but are not needed. My favourite feature in miscellaneous has to be clantag changer. It doesn't do anything besides aesthetic looks but it is a unique feature in all.


Suggestions / Bug reports

S1 - A fully functioning lua system, including a tab like this

S2 - Different variants of visual boxes.
Full box, half a box in each corner and half box

S3 - Automatic bunnyhopping setting
Legit mode ( Missing a bunnyhop making it look legit ) Useful for legit players
Semi-Legitimate ( Sometimes hitting every bunnyhop and sometimes not ) Useful for people who want to hit most bunnyhops but don't want to be banned
Rage mode ( Hitting every bunnyhopping no matter what - Already have this just stating a type of mode ) Useful for hvhers

S4 - Blockbot
Allowing you to block teammates from getting somewhere, basically following them and not allowing them to move ) Useful for people who want to grief matches, self-explanatory

S5 - Extended backtracking
Allowing a slider underneath extended backtracking like 100ms,150ms or 200ms

B1 - Breaking LC
Currently, when you enable Break LC you either can move or you lag around. ( Would take a video but shadowplay and obs aren't installed )

B2 - Glove Changer
Using glove changer will crash your game ( Probably has been said about 100 times now )

If there are any other bugs or suggestions you wish I add just make a comment below stating which one and use the correct format. Write what is it, what it does and the name it and use the tags I put under.

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Early adopter
S2 - Different variants of visual boxes.
Full box, half a box in each corner and half box
We do have cornered box option; players -> 3rd option, cornered boxes
S1 - A fully functioning lua system, including a tab like this
imo, if we would have lua it would stop the devs from working more on improving the hack but instead improving lua, and besides, having our cheat "outsourced" like sk33tch33t wouldn't be a good thing. But overall, nice review