Personal review of the cheat.

this has nothing to do with alpha. I was using the live build as well lol.
Sorry, you have
in ur profile, dont talk with me
you do not have roll RESOLVER on skeet, you have BRUTEFORCE ROLL ANGLES, use your brain and dont get tricked by various lua "scripters" ( SCAMMERS ) on skeet.
"Roll resolver" did destroy the enemies's head in MM💩, u can add a hotkey to invert the roll angle for enemies(the angle is entirely your own guess, typically -60/60°). At least that's what I did in sk33t, it works fine
"Roll resolver" did destroy the enemies's head in MM💩, u can add a hotkey to invert the roll angle for enemies(the angle is entirely your own guess, typically -60/60°). At least that's what I did in sk33t, it works fine
exactly what i've said, not an actual resolver, just a shitty bruteforce that can fail.
"Roll resolver" did destroy the enemies's head in MM💩, u can add a hotkey to invert the roll angle for enemies(the angle is entirely your own guess, typically -60/60°). At least that's what I did in sk33t, it works fine
and its 50 not 60
When Onetap V4 was first updated, its strength was undoubtedly top, but it was obviously behind because it was not updated. The previous situation would lead to a large reduction in the number of subscribers, leading to less and less funding. This is a vicious circle. Don't administrators understand it?
When Onetap V4 was first updated, its strength was undoubtedly top, but it was obviously behind because it was not updated. The previous situation would lead to a large reduction in the number of subscribers, leading to less and less funding. This is a vicious circle. Don't administrators understand it?
take it or leave it
just as simple as that

still being alright with onetap
OPV4 尽管一开始没有更新,但仍然很强大,尽管缺少一些功能,但其强大的 js 在 HVH 中仍然占有一席之地,但如果长时间不更新,它肯定会下降,所以请更新您的黑客软件,欢迎任何更新
OPV4 is still strong despite not being updated at first, and despite the lack of some features, its powerful js still has a place in HVH, but it will definitely drop if it is not updated for a long time, so please update your hack software and any updates are welcome