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agreed, ot is like a enemy to scout its so stupid, cause scout is actually really good!
Do you expect to be able to scout as good as you could back when fake angles was a thing? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You can't. Desync is desync, Please read my post i made about resolver before crying about scout being unplayable.
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Do you expect to be able to scout as good as you could back when fake angles was a thing? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You can't. Desync is desync, Please read my post i made about resolver before crying about scout being unplayable.
not crying sorry to disappoint you


Do you expect to be able to scout as good as you could back when fake angles was a thing? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You can't. Desync is desync, Please read my post i made about resolver before crying about scout being unplayable.
lmao i hit heads like nothing with neverlose sry to tell ypu but saying desync is desync its not an excuse at all bro :) there is always room for improvements
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while i can agree that there are ways to improve the resolver, i can also tell you, that desync can't be resolved 100%.
some other cheats can do better and some can do worse, it really depends on what your enemy is doing
no cheat can perfectly hit head every shot, especially when spread, desync and config issues exist
if you can't hit enemies, try changing your playstyle, work on improving your peeks and try remaking your config completely

tldr dont expect to tap desync every time with any cheat
Onetap waits for enemies shot cuz its much easier to resolve onshot than default aa
Yeah i know and thats what aimware does with its resolver to. Thats what every cheat does when it just dosent have a resolver. Skeet dosent have a resolver but atleast it tries to hit their head.


Is there going to ever be a resolver update? There hasent been one for 3 months. The ability to hit head with scout is also gone. Sometimes it just waits to shoot for no reason (with scout).
funny thing is i was just in a game and hit a 3k all head with scout and you say "the ability to hit head with scout is gone" monkey
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only happens to you the most ive missed is like 4 so idk
defiantly dosent only happen to me when half of the complaints on feedback are about the resolver and how terrible it is at resolving head. and if you look, the cheat manages to miss someone sideways