Onetap V4 new exploit?

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Yea but if the server doesn't have it set to maxusercmds to 64 or higher than 16 it won't work. I mean unless I'm wrong, please feel free to prove me wrong!

Look at the watermark thing

function BetterDT() {
    var setShift = Exploit.OverrideShift
    var setTol = Exploit.OverrideTolerance
    var getticks = Convar.GetInt("sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks");
    var getShift = UI.GetValue( ["Rage", "Exploits", "General", "Double tap Shift"])
    var getTol = UI.GetValue( ["Rage", "Exploits", "General", "Double tap Tolerance"])
    var showTicks = UI.GetValue( ["Rage", "Exploits", "General", "show processticks under watermark"])
    var setTicks = Exploit.OverrideMaxProcessTicks
    var font = Render.AddFont( "SegoeUI.ttf", 13, 800 )
    var drawticks = ""
    if (showTicks == 1) {
        drawticks = "max processticks: " + getticks + " | " + "DT Shift: " + getShift + " | " + "override processticks " + getTicks + "";
    x = Render.GetScreenSize()[0]
    y = Render.GetScreenSize()[1]
    w = Render.TextSize(drawticks, font)[0] + 24;
    //w = 239;
    Render.GradientRect(x - w, 28, w, 22, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 130]);
    Render.String(x - w + 18, 28, 0, drawticks, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);

Yes this is a stripped version of the watermark-ish thing since i dont wanna post some fat function on here


Well-Known Member

Look at the watermark thing

function BetterDT() {
    var setShift = Exploit.OverrideShift
    var setTol = Exploit.OverrideTolerance
    var getticks = Convar.GetInt("sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks");
    var getShift = UI.GetValue( ["Rage", "Exploits", "General", "Double tap Shift"])
    var getTol = UI.GetValue( ["Rage", "Exploits", "General", "Double tap Tolerance"])
    var showTicks = UI.GetValue( ["Rage", "Exploits", "General", "show processticks under watermark"])
    var setTicks = Exploit.OverrideMaxProcessTicks
    var font = Render.AddFont( "SegoeUI.ttf", 13, 800 )
    var drawticks = ""
    if (showTicks == 1) {
        drawticks = "max processticks: " + getticks + " | " + "DT Shift: " + getShift + " | " + "override processticks " + getTicks + "";
    x = Render.GetScreenSize()[0]
    y = Render.GetScreenSize()[1]
    w = Render.TextSize(drawticks, font)[0] + 24;
    //w = 239;
    Render.GradientRect(x - w, 28, w, 22, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 130]);
    Render.String(x - w + 18, 28, 0, drawticks, [255, 255, 255, 255], font);

Yes this is a stripped version of the watermark-ish thing since i dont wanna post some fat function on here
dt shift is 36???? very nice huh