onetap very good


idk why you guys are saying that onetap is shit , the fact that i got more kills than most of you guys while playing on mobile seems to me as a cfg issue or an iq issue/ playstyle issue , you just need learn how to play :) , the cheat is good , might miss sometimes due to resolver on head but you can just fckin baim and fix ur config. ( ive been using ot for 1 month )

scripts i use :

RIN.TOOLS ; Altyn ; GS GRAPH ; Onetap UI ; Dormant Aimbot ; Grenade Helper

clips of mobile hvh (recorded for only 30 minutes and got 15 kills ):

OneTap is P cheat just learn how to play and stop bitching around
i would absolutley love to see videos of u playing and ill tell u if im lying to myslef :)
you’re lying to yourself, dickriding gets you nowhere besides being a hentai addict like keoperdab. get off your ass and go to the gym and get some pussy, after you do that come back to hvh and use the cheat and maybe your underdeveloped brain will comprehend how shit this outdated hack is
you’re lying to yourself, dickriding gets you nowhere besides being a hentai addict like keoperdab. get off your ass and go to the gym and get some pussy, after you do that come back to hvh and use the cheat and maybe your underdeveloped brain will comprehend how shit this outdated hack is
wym i should come back to hvh , i am litteraly on a hvh server as im reading this , cheat is good , send me your dc and show me urself playing , and i actually go to the gym and probably get more pussy than u :(
wym i should come back to hvh , i am litteraly on a hvh server as im reading this , cheat is good , send me your dc and show me urself playing , and i actually go to the gym and probably get more pussy than u :(
i don’t play hvh nor do i have the game installed + you’re just a delusional 3rd worlder, i’ve used this cheat 10x more than you over the past year and have more experience with every part of it so when i say it’s shit, is shit.
//thread closed kys
i don’t play hvh nor do i have the game installed + you’re just a delusional 3rd worlder, i’ve used this cheat 10x more than you over the past year and have more experience with every part of it so when i say it’s shit, is shit.
//thread closed kys
what game u play now? tarkov?
idk why you guys are saying that onetap is shit , the fact that i got more kills than most of you guys while playing on mobile seems to me as a cfg issue or an iq issue/ playstyle issue , you just need learn how to play :) , the cheat is good , might miss sometimes due to resolver on head but you can just fckin baim and fix ur config. ( ive been using ot for 1 month )

scripts i use :

RIN.TOOLS ; Altyn ; GS GRAPH ; Onetap UI ; Dormant Aimbot ; Grenade Helper

clips of mobile hvh (recorded for only 30 minutes and got 15 kills ):

OneTap is P cheat just learn how to play and stop bitching around
"recorded for only 30 minutes got 15 kills" that is really bad lmfao