onetap v3 the good and bad moments

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pls dont ban me

put video on private cuz some mebers in here are a bit to toxic and dont like me
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that bug was in v2 too, and from ive seen no cheat can hit that, if they fake lag on peek like that and u can only shoot 1 tick, its a game thing


why are you zooming in on the spread and occlusion misses? I think you need to zoom in on your bullet impacts and see that the logs are actually accurate instead of being special needs and saying it's the cheats fault not your horrible config (+playstyle, there was a 1way right next to you at 1:10 but instead you decide to stay there? same goes for 1:35, at that point it just looked as though you were trying to make the cheat look bad) also every cheat, especially with desync, has moments like this. No need to point it out unless you can show me a cheat that has never done things shown in this video before

Also is your accuracy boost on 0? same goes for hitchance, it looks as though you do not even have autostop on / by the way are you using static multipoint?
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Just to make it clear, I didn't say that ot is bad or anything it just has allot of problems rn for my opinion, back with v2 I could push every bignamer and get my 1, and about ur gay 1ways no ty I hate this kind of play style, it's not like I'm in a tournament or something, and my accuracy bost is on 65 and my hitchance on 70, my autostop is on (between shots)


whats with the clip where you run with a deagle then get tapped by an auto
Yeah idk why I put this in the video, maybe because all my other footage was corrupted, that's a point for u Sherlock, I think I'm taking this vid down and update it, cuz much negative feedback