Onetap Review 9/10

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I have no idea why people are calling cheat bad, I think it's because they aren't using their own cfg/ don't know how to config, cfgs are made for your play style and most people don't get that. I've played a dozen of games so far and mostly have been doing good

Rage: 8.5/10
The ragebot by its self without js is pretty good, fast dt, rips peoples onshot and makes me win situations where I'm out in the open.
The only java script is use is the fast recharge, this basically gives it a 1 sec dt recharge which is very p!.
The only problem is when it doesn't shoot the 2nd shot, but that might just be my own problem, also the tracing/forward tracking, sometimes it shoots at nothing, then I get my onshot ripped.

Anti Aim: 5/10
The Anti aim by its self with no js is honesty not that good, you barely get any options to cfg your anti aim, I think its a must to have a anti aim java script.

Other: I made this really quick just wanted to give my first impressions now heres somes screenshots I've gotten with it. Keep in mind I deadass get no fps, this is because my pc is shit in general, I average 60fps when I hvh, yet I still fk up kids!
