My review for onetap...

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My review for onetap issss..
HvH: 7,50/10 cuz sometimes miss hard...i will like an update for dt and aa
Legit: 4/10 legitbot for me is pretty bad i know is a hvh cheat but its just a bug
Semi-rage: i played semi-rage it is ok with scripts i like to use ragebot with 10 fov and js for autowall and its ok my note is 8/10
Visuals: They are ok i like ot visuals but i want more setting but for now is ok 8.50/10
Final note: 8/10


Nice review, but i disagree with legit note. Legitbot for me is working perfect, if you manage to get the right settings for your playstyle you will see it is very well optimized. For hard legit settings try to get weapons FOV between 0.9-1.4 for example on pistols you can go with fov 1 wich is almost all the crosshair circle (playing with crosshair size 2.5-3) and for ak, m4 etc FOV 1.2