Is it worth?

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Is it worth buying v4? I heard that otcv3 is better and that this cheat is dogshit atm.
Only two cheats are “better” than this one.
Besides if otc was better everybody would be using otc so I mean …


Is it worth buying v4? I heard that otcv3 is better and that this cheat is dogshit atm.
so i used v3 for a very long time and i have v4 now and id say if you have a good config its MUCH better than v3. the dt is like 3x faster


Definetely worth it if you dont have any private cheats. I can tell onetap is best ive ever used also get hvh essentials by webster and you will be unhittable against other onetap/otc users

also keep in mind paid cheat isnt a godmode and private cheats resolvers are more advanced now and resolves most part of js antiaims. But im very hyped for updates and i think onetap will be great again soon

P.S and theres no v4. Its still v3 but with redesigned menu and slightly improved ragebot. Noone announced that update as "V4" but shit braindead youtubers like lucky and deadpoop to catch viewers

P.S2 the power of onetap is its community. You get access to creators whos making javascripts for original onetap and market where you can get stuff you need
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I'm going to be honest, I've been using otc for a couple of months and I've always wondered if buying OT would be worth it for me. I feel like otc is just a bit better than any other cheat for me at the moment because I've been playing hvh on mm and on hvh servers and doing really good with it.

But Thank you all for the shared opinions, I feel like I might buy Onetap in the near future.


Is it worth buying v4? I heard that otcv3 is better and that this cheat is dogshit atm.
If you have a good playstyle and manage how to do configs buy it, if you don't just forget, cheat is trash but you can easily do 40/10 if you know how to play hvh


how i like to watch to that people who still belive in ot golden ht md cfg issuse or playstyle issuse. Like u go out n miss 2x with scar stomach on rezolver n get onshooted by ssg, playstyle issuse