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Ok so i saw this video

I thought its "fake" so i bought it this month when new updates came..... ITS NOT CFG ISSUE its issue in code, cause when i tried resolver w my friend.... it fucking start shooting 10meteres away from him.... if this is cfg issue my cfg on auto when we test how it performs in only head i used scar - 65% Hitchance 24 min dmg. only head..... started shooting away... i guess there was a ghost or idk..... next time i tried scout - hp+1 only head 79%hitchance - i didnt move... it shooted like 30 times.... it stopped shooting.... my console was filled by onetap missed due to spread. I would like to see how its good for resolver... but if u have good .js and you gonna e peek DT them.... u die only on 70%.....

I am quiting onetap cause i would better use cracked shit or upcoming lw v4...

Onetap isnt worth 20eur... but like 12 eur at all.... i tried interium against ot and i won 16-7 90% headshots (i was on 1w like 3 times) ... if he was using bad cfg... he missed me into BAIM !!! almost every single time.... Official missing media incoming....
One thing that they improved was that they improved amount of missing in baim and in headshot ( this means that OT 3.5 is missing more than a v3, also there isnt that much features like it was in v3)


i like how people who have no clue how cheats work talking about resolver and autowall and blames onetap on every dead
You're actually a sad human being, of not understanding whats better, because you keep sucking their dicks. I dare you to do a autowall comparison evenr with fatality. then come back and tell me other wise
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