Aimware VS Onetap

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After using aimware for more than a year and switching to onetap with first impressions here is my review.
Ragebot 7.5/10
The double-tap is just not the best, sometimes it hits P, sometimes it doesn't. There are also some really useful features, it's easy to config. It does the job. You can do pretty well with onetap. Aimware has more double tap(fire) features like rapid fire, shift, and stuff.. it charges faster. Fakelag, onetap's fakelag is just better than aimware's, pretty decent. You can just dump the enemy with it's resolver.
Winner: Onetap

LegitBot 6/10
The legit bot is not the best there aren't as many features as in aimware. Aimware is smoother in legitbot and it is just better and easier to configure in aimware. The backtracking is also more legit. Onetap can do its job but it is not the best at legitbot in my opinion. The triggerbot in onetap is better than in aimware.
Winner: Aimware

AntiAim 8/10
If you add some spice to it with javascripts it can be pretty p and just breaks resolvers with it. It is also really good without javascripts, In aimware it is easier to config however it is not as p as in onetap. It has been really good.
Winner: Onetap

Visuals 9/10
In my opinion onetap's visuals are better than aimware's visuals. It has more features that aimware does not have, I just like it more. However I like some of aimware's presets a bit more. However, I really don't like that translating thing in onetap. It is really glitchy and fucked up.
Winner: Onetap

Misc 8/10
Both cheats have features that the others don't clan tag, invisible name, peekmode, auto peek. Onetap has more built in features.


Loader & Menu 6/10
The loader is just too simple. In aimware you can select auto start, remember cheat selection and the design is smoother.
When I switched from aimware to onetap things were really hard to find and to get used to. I like the orange design of onetap better. However aimware has a searchbar, things are easier to find in aimware by using the search bar. It has a clear design. In onetap I like the icons better and the features at binding like hold, toggle, always... and you can bind more stuff than in aimware. It doesn't have an inbuilt console or lua/java editor.

Winner: Aimware

Overall winner? Well... no one, here is why.
It depends on what you use the cheat for, if you do more hvh than legit i recommend onetap, if you use more legit than hvh then aimware. If you do both still aimware.. why? Because you can pay with Paypal, and it's cheaper. But if you have no problems with money then use onetap.


Tbh if both cheats uses dt at the same time i think aw will win just b'cuz it have 1 tick doubletap but anyways onetap still better not only the cheat but the staff itself +rep


It depends on what do you use the cheat for, but the staff are definitely better at onetap, and as I've seen aimware has started updating their cheats.
im using both cheats and aimware's fakelag is better. in legitbot aimware better. about anti aim i like aimware's anti aim more. in visuals aimware have more uption if u use advanced chams lua. but idk which one is better in overall. aimware have a prediction problem rn and onetap perform better. but i heard of beta testers says there is some changes in menu and ragebot. after this update im gonna do my own review like that.


I used aimware for like a week and I got so tired off it so I just bought onetap. If you're looking for a public cheat onetap is the way to go, not aimware.