After about 4 months

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this is my review for OT after about 4 months.
I mainly only played legit with OT and sometimes HvH so I am mainly focusing on the legit bot and Misc stuff.

Overall: 9.5/10

Overall the cheat is really good and for legit and rage cheating good. It has all the features you need and it is awesome.

Legit Bot: 10/10

So, I mainly played Legit with OT, and I gotta say fuck me is this legit bot awesome!
If you configure it correctly it hits so good and looks so clean.
So I can just say that the Legit Bot is good af.
Trigger RCS, Backtrack and that stuff just perfect!

Visuals: 10/10

So the visuals what should I say it has clean good looking chams and glows.
You can make so many various mixes it is just awesome.

Misc: 10/10

The misc tab is full of stuff that is useful and it has everything you need.

Skins: 10/10

The skin changer is just awesome, you can apply every skin to every weapon. The model changer came on the same day the update came and it hella fast and bug free.

Rage: 8/10

For the rage bot I can just say it does hit p but you have to have a good cfg.
I played sometimes HvH but I dont have the best cfgs and the settings in the rage, tbh it has so many settings yes that is good but for me just too much ^^.

Support: 10/10

The support is super fast and really nice!
Nothing to complain about


Early adopter
great... another 10/10 review thats not in-depth at all. And the claim and score on your ragebot dosen't make any sense
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great... another 10/10 review thats not in-depth at all. And the claim and score on your ragebot dosen't make any sense
As said, I rarely played Rage so I cant really review the rage bot.
And honestly, how should I go into more depth?