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Well-Known Member
Developer sharklaser is too busy doing erotic furry roleplay, he has no time to give interviews to "spurdo news", there are more important things in his life than giving interviews to spurdo news.............like erotic furry roleplay..
no... he is already a furry femboy...


Well-Known Member
no way...
Hey KeoperDAB,

Your response took me by surprise, just like a fluffy rainbow-colored unicorn galloping through a cotton candy forest. But hey, life is full of unexpected twists, right?

So, about my previous message, I was wondering if you held the secret key to Sharklaser's realm. You see, I heard through the grapevine that Sharklaser, the legendary femboy furry dev, possesses the wisdom of a thousand pixelated foxes. I thought it'd be fantastic to connect and discuss the magical art of coding.

But hey, if that's not something you can help with or if it's just too whimsical for your taste, no worries at all! I appreciate your response nonetheless.

Wishing you an adventure-filled day, where reality and fantasy intertwine in the most extraordinary ways!

Cheers, Tricky.
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