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By the way, one of onetap's issue is cuz they use a bruteforce resolver, not a logic one and basically every decent cheat has an anti-bruteforce, especially some scripts, you can find in the forum a lot of anti bruteforce scripts.
Everything you said about onetaps resolver is wrong it’s hilarious


By the way, one of onetap's issue is cuz they use a bruteforce resolver, not a logic one and basically every decent cheat has an anti-bruteforce, especially some scripts, you can find in the forum a lot of anti bruteforce scripts.
This is utter nonsense, bruteforce has to do with how you play the game.
And maybe you should google the work "logic" before using it improperly
literally 95% of these are user issues so i don't get the point you're trying to make here
you've included a clip of peeking someone with a deagle from miles away, one of you getting peeked and one of you peeking a player that's clearly barely visible