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  1. skyhops

    onetap update soon

    onetap update soon
  2. skyhops

    can we has update?

    can we has update?
  3. skyhops

    ot not shit anymore

    actually i do have a sub, it's called being a hidden beta user (lifetime subs doesnt show, as active subs)
  4. skyhops

    The hack doesn't start.

    Restart router, fixed my issues.
  5. skyhops

    My Onetap review after almost a month of using it.

    cheat is perfect, no errors.
  6. skyhops

    My 6 months experience

    Don't compare cheats, onetap is always superirror.
  7. skyhops

    Please see my feedback for the administrator of onetap v4

    uhm sorry to say, but the is perfect, ur missing due to low multipoint and hc, i've never missed a single bullet.
  8. skyhops

    Best cheat

    i'd personally don't compare cheats, they all work very differently and some is better at something than the other, this cheat on the other hand, never had any issues, never missed a bullet, godmode off i'm just that good.
  9. skyhops

    (I'm new to hvh, Totally unqualified but I thought my opinion would be cool to read) Honest review of OTV4

    didn't care enough to read, cheat is perfect, if u have any issues, u should just consider working on config.
  10. skyhops

    Best Cheat in the market Rn?

    cheat is perfect, i configured it day one, never missed a single shot.
  11. skyhops

    ot not shit anymore

    cheat is perfect, i never miss with scout
  12. skyhops

    how it is onetap now?

    this cheat uses very professional coding, which i would recommend investing money in.
  13. skyhops

    Hide shots bug in onetap

    hi there, this seems to be a user error, please reset ur hardware identification.
  14. skyhops

    comezo and polish bot owned in a 2v2

    its true, he tried hitting me up :rolleyes: