Recent content by tropics

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  1. tropics

    lol uid 10511 this guy's new XD

    lol uid 10511 this guy's new XD
  2. tropics

    nice bbc

    nice bbc
  3. tropics

    does ur knee grow

    does ur knee grow
  4. tropics

    thats a poggers from me

    thats a poggers from me
  5. tropics

    congrats retard

    congrats retard
  6. tropics

    HvH with onetap ft camfig

    Fire media
  7. tropics

    to all monkeys crying about resolver

    Blood resolvers are a sharky meme
  8. tropics

    awp is p

    Hack will shoot head if it is the only hittable hitbox at the time of calculation
  9. tropics

    do your analysis on what happened here

    If u miss both sides when someone has legit aa it's very likely they are also anti-bruteforcing, pretty much unlucky tbh
  10. tropics

    resolver or something just update

  11. tropics


    2nd clip is blatant anti brute 1st clip could possibly be antibrute but regardless it's desync. Welcome to the game mode of rng
  12. tropics


    Why do y'all act like sideways is easier to resolve than backwards it's the same shit
  13. tropics

    last day with ot [review]

    Y'all dumb mfs be peeking slow walking and standing players and expecting to hit head often like tf are u on?? Doesn't matter what cheat u use 8 times out of 10 you will miss the first shot. Be thankful it isn't like in LBY where you peek a fake walking player and dump 12 shots into his fake body.
  14. tropics

    Honest feedback after 22 days...

    If you're retarded like this guy just use 65% auto hc with all dynamic pointscales and all hitboxes on you'll do fine lol