Recent content by ScaryClowns41

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  1. ScaryClowns41

    Want ft. onetap

  2. ScaryClowns41

    Best OT user. Alpha soon?

    Best OT user. Alpha soon?
  3. ScaryClowns41

    [ SUGGESTION ] Fix inverter flip conditions while using standby choke/ lag peek

    When you use both at the same time its not very consistent when you see the inverter flip since there is visual fakelag on local player while using standby choke/ lag peek Maybe make standby choke follow your fakelag limits and triggers
  4. ScaryClowns41
  5. ScaryClowns41


    There are a lot of factors to why you're shooting under your min damage Things like Multipoint Spread Bad resolve And then there are some spots where autowall is just broken for all cheats
  6. ScaryClowns41

    r1se's onetap "v4" review

    I think this is a pretty accurate review Only thing I disagree with is how low you rated the resolver, compared to all the other popular cheats right now I would say onetap has one of the best But other than that I think I completely agree with everything else
  7. ScaryClowns41


    Maybe post clips of you missing due to resolver? You just saying its bad isn't going to improve anything
  8. ScaryClowns41

    How tf does the cheat target who it will hit.

    Probably many factors to this Things like Distance Hitchance per target Predicted damage per target Maybe whichever was closest to your crosshair
  9. ScaryClowns41

    change HWID

    If you haven't been told yet, create a ticket for this. Do not post hwid requests publically.
  10. ScaryClowns41

    Resolver u Good?

    shut up
  11. ScaryClowns41


    maybe because the thread is almost a year old
  12. ScaryClowns41


    Why did you bump Fucking retard i stg
  13. ScaryClowns41

    HvH king getting 3k

    damn dude how you so good