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  • Mr. administrator, I bound the machine code in the Internet bar. Now I can't use that machine to unbind the machine code. Can you help me?
    Please help me reset the HWID, because I changed to a new computer, so I need to reset the HWID. I applied for a request to reset the HWID, but it was rejected. Please help me
    尊敬的onetap管理员,我的计算机加装了硬盘 我现在将重置hwid。但它正在等待处理。我知道这会打扰你的。请帮我。非常感谢您的帮助
    Dear onetap administrator, there is something wrong with my computer. I've reinstalled the system. I'll reset hwid now. But it's waiting to be processed. I know it's going to bother you. Please help me. I will appreciate your help very much
    hi i brought onetap with paypal from signal and i didin't get it, i was waiting 3 days almost 4
    my ot got refunded and i did not request it to be and i looked at the refund and it said

    Your refund has been issued by Onetap. It may take about 5 to 10 days to appear on your statement, if it takes longer please contact your bank for assistance.
    Dear OneTap administrator, I am having problems with my computer due to a virus. I have reinstalled the system. I will now reset hwID. But it is waiting to be processed. I know it will bother you. Please help me. Thank you very much for your help
    lama youlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama your idiotlama
    Здравствуйте, решил поменять свой ноут на норм комп и вот время пришло, после решил отвязать HWID-запрос отменили, что делать в данной ситуации?
    Взаимодействие с другими людьми
    Dear onetap administrator, there is something wrong with my computer. I've reinstalled the system. I'll reset hwid now. But it's waiting to be processed. I know it's going to bother you. Please help me. I will appreciate your help very much
    Dear onetap administrator, there is something wrong with my computer. I've reinstalled the system. I'll reset hwid now. But it's waiting to be processed. I know it's going to bother you. Please help me. I will appreciate your help very much
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