be like....

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you're not that good tbf, you think you're a massive namer trash talking everyone in games when i meet you but i slap you every time, you even joined my config discord and you sell configs hahahah


you're not that good tbf, you think you're a massive namer trash talking everyone in games when i meet you but i slap you every time, you even joined my config discord and you sell configs hahahah
obviously am gonna say something back if someone says to me something, i usually dont talk to anyone since hvh is only kids basiclly lol btw how can u clap me each time if i didint play hvh for like a month?


obviously am gonna say something back if someone says to me something, i usually dont talk to anyone since hvh is only kids basiclly lol btw how can u clap me each time if i didint play hvh for like a month?
you start the trash talk every time


Active Member
Don't argue in the forums.
Take it to the DMs if you have anything smart to say, if you don't keep it shut.


Why all copying my aa bro

pablo enserio hasemo un canal de youtube?
y k stremeamo?
ha dicho un canal de youtube no un canal de twitch * risa de pedofilo*
iyo prefiero estremear la verda
vale yo me encargo de youtube y tu de estremea
y ke asemo
podemo aser troleos k eso la gente lo mira un monton
pero a k no metemo a maxinima
*risa de pedofilo*
*risa de mongolo* a yuplanet?
si ya esta a yuplanet
con hamza haidi?
*el andaluz hablando de fondo de sus cosas*
hamza haidi?
*otra vez*
quien es hamza haidi
tio el de los kebab caia
ahora bengo
*movil matandose*
*el pancho* pero no dispares a eso fake
*risa de pedofilo*
*risa de pedofilo*
k an muerto todos eh, k tiene ese kabron?
buah eso esta super cheatao
*risa de pedofilo*
esta super chetao pero siempre ataca (?) a los fakes
*risa de pedofilo* mira eso loko
*risa de pedofilo*
pa pa pa pa
*risa de pedofilo*
lol reich kuit
y con el overlay sabes
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