darkklight *doxxing other users with receipts mid game (proof will be posted soon) 16-0

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wtf, im doxxing? would never do this, im a goodie guy and I might be as goodie as sigma.
im legit friends with chase, nice team btw, my teammate would play vs me?
wtf is happening to this world.
would my own teammates 5v5 aganist me, im dying so fcking hard LOL, so fcking embasrsing. honestly you are actually embarssing yourself LOL

lol dru was pretty much afk the whole game, nobody cared about your donkey 5v5 LOL.
you are asking others for 5v5s and 2v2s but, little do you know you are a known loser yourself LOL!
don't cry, imagine faking spotlight posts and videos after losing an actual game. embarssing innit bruv?

im actually dying, imagine posting a thread and still getting hated on it 🤣

Nice teammates btw

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Active Member
Early adopter
5v5s kills do not matter, as long as i went postive held my shit didnt die and didnt lose us a round we won and i played good
plz shut up get a new pc u ugly pooron, your pc is lagging and the most replies on this thread r from u, mediaing isn’t just for you, nigga two likes like BHAGAHAHHAHAHAGHSHAHAHA


LUUUUL phantom very happy!!!! HAHAHAHHA


go back to skert fucking bots.


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