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  1. E

    How has HVH changed you as a person?

  2. E

    How has HVH changed you as a person?

    are u single kitten?
  3. E

    nice uid newdfag

    nice uid newdfag
  4. E

    How has HVH changed you as a person?

    are u single and ready to mingle?
  5. E

    How has HVH changed you as a person?

    Bumping this need more stories
  6. E

    How has HVH changed you as a person?

    yeah we lost a legend that day, i cant believe we have lived this long without him
  7. E

    How has HVH changed you as a person?

    How has HVH changed you as a person? Were you the type of guy that hated hackers but became one? Were you some soft kid in the lobby but now you yell the N-word to stand your ground? Have you completely abandoned HvH and turned your life around? Or maybe, you just want to piss people off...
  8. E

    nice uid newfag

    nice uid newfag
  9. E


    nice uid noname lol
  10. E

    nice uid newfag, quit the game u are simply outclassed

    nice uid newfag, quit the game u are simply outclassed
  11. E

    threat x darklight shitters

    he was using nemesis, thats why he left and came back
  12. E

    threat x darklight shitters

    we literally said knife for map go knife now u even knifed but lost and devil didnt even have a knifebot L
  13. E

    threat x darklight shitters

    how does the perspective matter? XD if he is in a higher pos u can see the bullet impacts better, u would know it doesn't matter if u weren't a clueless newfag LUL
  14. E

    threat x darklight shitters

    rewind explained it on the skeet forums, this is basic csgo knowledge, obviously blue and red wont line up if they dont collide with the same thing basic explanation, in that clip the red one is floating ( hit me) in the air but the blue one draws directly on the train, why? because the red one...
  15. E

    u nn

    u nn
  16. E

    so i updated my onetap configs...

    yes i copied upset's esp idk its so cute for configs
  17. E

    i am extremely gay

    i am extremely gay
  18. E

    guccihook beta user

    guccihook beta user