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  1. Strokes

    pls invie for 15 dollar?

    why do you need a reseller?
  2. Strokes

    pls invie for 15 dollar?

    if you need a reseller dm one on the staff team, if you need something else like an invite for another cheat ask them for one, if you're begging for a 5$ discount you're not getting it.
  3. Strokes

    still one of the best

    I awp, what are you going to do about it 🤡
  4. Strokes

    Review of OT

    No, it's a uid issue.
  5. Strokes

    Review of OT

    I can agree with the community part and the aa part, as you can see by my high uid and lack of money i haven't tried it yet but from personal experience and media the aa is really good, ragebot i'm not so sure about thats something you have to experience first by using it and the community is...
  6. Strokes

    beste cheat ever.

    Buy me a sub, then all will be ok my childeren.
  7. Strokes


    holy shit mans can't take criticism
  8. Strokes


    Looking for a reseller who can pay through ideal/giftcards.
  9. Strokes

    SUB GIVEAWAY !!! 2k posts woot

    wish me luck Q7B#3563
  10. Strokes

    European payment methods.

    Is there a way i can pay with ideal, i was planning to get onetap about 5 months ago whilst ideal was still a payment method but plans changed.