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  1. siemankojamK

    my feedback about ot

    id recommend you turning off auto direction, imo it makes your desync pretty much useless, you wont even get people missing you, and youll get toeaimed a lot more with it on
  2. siemankojamK

    cringe ape go drown

    cringe ape go drown
  3. siemankojamK

    Onetap review after 7 months.

    ah, thank you
  4. siemankojamK

    Onetap review after 7 months.

    but just like the min dmg issue, it's nothing too serious to rant about
  5. siemankojamK

    Onetap review after 7 months.

    because sometimes the desync side decides to flip on its own when I don't have "Hide Real Angle" option enabled, and it gets me killed sometimes :)
  6. siemankojamK

    Onetap review after 7 months.

    This is my 2nd sub since v3 came out, but I have used onetap v1 as well as v2 for many months prior. Legitbot: -/10 Last time I've fully utilised the legitbot was about a year ago when v2 was a thing, and the only legit feature that I've used in v3 is triggerbot, which works fine. Ragebot...
  7. siemankojamK


    not sure where you got that information from buddy
  8. siemankojamK


    onetap didnt have bad reputation during v1, in fact v1 was the best onetap version. keep replying to my trolls, this is wayy too much fun l m a o
  9. siemankojamK


    imagine being broke
  10. siemankojamK


    yo're mome gaey
  11. siemankojamK

    missing so much due to spread lately Please go get some professional help from the doctor.
  12. siemankojamK

    missing so much due to spread lately

    You're the pinnacle of idiocy, slowwalk limits your movement speed therefore making you more accurate, try running with a gun out and start spraying, see how accurate you are. Imbecile.
  13. siemankojamK

    My honest ot review (REVIEW BY BEST EU PLAYER)

    You must be either braindead or this review is a joke (just like the cheat itself atm). Compared to what it was at the start of 2019 up until V2 came out, it's a shame this cheat is still paid.