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  1. Kkkaaa1123


  2. Kkkaaa1123


  3. Kkkaaa1123

    when can we use Alipay to buy OneTap

    it just take more 2 or 1euro not that much,just pay them
  4. Kkkaaa1123

    Review for onetap after using it for almost an year

    The ragebot should be 8/10,cus idk if just me or what it sometimes shot too earlier the person havent peek yet it alrd fire. That make me feel stupid sometime
  5. Kkkaaa1123

    my feedback after one week

    Real, config issue. XD.
  6. Kkkaaa1123

    My unbiased review of OT'S DT BAIM and Resolver

    try use reliable dt if u miss the dt shot,
  7. Kkkaaa1123

    HvH server rewards - March

  8. Kkkaaa1123

    What happent to ot resolver?

    i just kidding why so srs
  9. Kkkaaa1123

    What happent to ot resolver?

    use resolver override or u have no resolver
  10. Kkkaaa1123

    What happent to ot resolver?

    some shit say that no1 can hit some1 who slow walking,but i need to say.nvl and gs ez tap ot slow walk.
  11. Kkkaaa1123

    why missed baim(this is alexbomber and this is how he plays)

    1 month not long enough?the resolver also long time didnt update.the other cheat has updated it aa and the resolver still 4 or 5 month ago where is ur brain?? cant use it????????
  12. Kkkaaa1123

    why missed baim(this is alexbomber and this is how he plays)

    it has 1 month didnt update alrdy ofc it miss lot.
  13. Kkkaaa1123

    what were saying about the resolver?

    cfg issue,user issue,brain issue,pc issue,internet issue,soul issue,body issue,heart issue,hand isssue and many many issue
  14. Kkkaaa1123

    fake news

    (me poor eng sry) ot resolver ok just dk why the ragebot just make the bullet fly away u know what i mean xD,the accuracy of it is so,just buy some js that fix that shit.
  15. Kkkaaa1123

    pls fix your cheat

    not paying enough money issue
  16. Kkkaaa1123

    pls update resolver

    yeah,ot miss feet alot.just dont use feet hitbox and others all keep it on and u will be god
  17. Kkkaaa1123

    2 month onetap with wechat pay or steam wallet code

    2 month onetap with wechat pay or steam wallet code
  18. Kkkaaa1123

    2 month onetap with steam card

    2 month onetap with steam card