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  1. zat

    My 1 Year experiences with ot

    1. [alpha] - i don't know if there's any updates to alpha version but the cheat misses every single fucking second in live build and 90% of the people don't regret it 2. was for general if any people is going to complain about the review before playing in ranteis because that's mostly what...
  2. zat

    My 1 Year experiences with ot

    did you watch the video or no there is like almost no customizability in aa tab how do you fix the resolver or autowall or min dmg with your config please higher hitchance? doesn't shoot higher accuracy boost? shoots slow as fuck also in configging thread it recommends 30-55 also the cheat...
  3. zat

    nudist beach

    nudist beach
  4. zat v3 review

    just writing this review for what needs to be fixed because playing with the cheat is absolutely no fun at the moment. sub was gifted by Gladius and many thanks to him but unfortunately, i didn't really enjoy the cheat. not going to review what I did not use/try for absolutely no reason and i'm...
  5. zat

    Honest Review!

    Pretty nice review imo
  6. zat

    My brutally honest review

    i dont really get you, according to that you should crash 1-10 times in 1 hour hvh even though you said that you gave it 8/10, what's -2 from when you said the only issue you're having with ragebot is min damage; i'm assuming that you're a legit player(?) i don't care about the rest it's...