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  1. lucasmafra

    hvh highlights ft. relax.js & exscord.js

  2. lucasmafra


    zt#0001 id/hvhsenator id/averagehvher
  3. lucasmafra

    highlights #14 ft. [4K+]

    scripts used: Brightside hvh-essentials olympus.js (best imo)
  4. lucasmafra

    highlights #14 ft. [4k+] brightside.js

  5. lucasmafra

    some highlights

    too much rsmb but idgaf
  6. lucasmafra

    24K Magic ft.

  7. lucasmafra

    hvh highlights#11 ft.

  8. lucasmafra

    Kush ft. (some 3ks cuz idc)

    One clip gone 2k cuz I've deleted the other 2 kills clip fuck - 1440p coming soon, yt rendering is gay af
  9. lucasmafra

    hvh highlights #8 ft.

  10. lucasmafra

    hvh highlights #7 ft. || Discord server openned again!

    My discord server is useful for ppl that are starting hvhing and don't know about some stuff, its 100% free and I can help you with spots and other stuff about hvh, also I share some cfgs and js's, feel free to dm me =) Link is in video description
  11. lucasmafra

    some clips with ot

  12. lucasmafra

    my experience with new update

    Ok, I spent 3 months without playing hvh, when I heard that ot was about to update I bought it, now I'll tell what I think about it. Menu - This menu is so fucking dope, actually the best menu that ot ever had, the way that you can set up stuff is just P, the only thing that I would add on it...
  13. lucasmafra

    hvh comeback - courtesy call ft.

    3 months without playing hvh, when I knew that ot was updated I bought a sub 2 play some. some 3k clips cuz idc about 1000000k clips
  14. lucasmafra

    onetap v3 highlights #3