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  1. hatsuhaze


    its not about whether people still play csgo hvh, its about the advertised product. The csgo cheat was a fully complete hack with all the required functionality, the cs2 cheat is a dysfunctional product with barely any features. Even the alpha team doesn't seem to have subs anymore. Hack is...
  2. hatsuhaze


    weird how they removed the csgo cheat and then gave us this shitty cs2 one instead, incredibly stupid.
  3. hatsuhaze

    Onetap CS2

    better use of 15 dollars then buying prim lol
  4. hatsuhaze

    Onetap CS2

    yeah I do have rifk but I dont really plan on buying it because the visuals look really weird and my pc is broken rn. Sk just got cracked by underical so I will probably just buy that once my pc is fixed.
  5. hatsuhaze

    Onetap CS2

    i think predator had really nice and unique visuals, no other cheat has so many chams and visual features. Only reason I'm buying prim is because there are no better alternatives for me, I don't have skeet, nl is overpriced, aimware is overpriced, onetap doesn't have the features I want. Prim is...
  6. hatsuhaze

    Onetap CS2

    i agree that prim has alot of missing features that need to be added before it is worth 15 euro, but security wise I trust it alot more (haven't been banned once). predetor offers alot for 5 bucks, but I know that in the future duca can make the cheat a better value and hopefully match...
  7. hatsuhaze


    the csgo cheat has been permanently removed, even those with subscriptions cant use it.
  8. hatsuhaze

    onetap cs2 BETA showcase video (second onetap cs2 video ever, i love

    Some cheats do shoot quicker than others, was always the case in csgo and still holds true in cs2. I cant code for shit and don't know what I'm talking about but I'm pretty sure diff cheats have different approaches when it comes shooting, either shoot extremely early or wait longer for...
  9. hatsuhaze

    Up-To-Date PUBLIC Onetap CS2 Feature List

    OT is borderline scamming people by falsely advertising the product to a wider audience who know nothing of the "beta". They read the marketing page that has even been updated to advertise the cs2 cheat but with features that only existed on the csgo cheat. I don't know how defending this type...
  10. hatsuhaze

    Up-To-Date PUBLIC Onetap CS2 Feature List

    professional dickrider
  11. hatsuhaze

    Up-To-Date PUBLIC Onetap CS2 Feature List

    XD, yeah theres two guys in shoutbox right now asking "hello, when onetap rage? i bought it thought its an hvh cheat" and "how to changes fov?"
  12. hatsuhaze

    Up-To-Date PUBLIC Onetap CS2 Feature List

    There are a lot of people who read it, especially those who are new to cheating and haven't bought a cheat before. Personally, i didn't read it but that's because I watched your showcase video, but most people who haven't heard of onetap before will read the marketing page and believe it. I know...
  13. hatsuhaze

    Up-To-Date PUBLIC Onetap CS2 Feature List

    They already have changed the website, just very slightly. They replaced "CSGO" with "CS2" on their marketing page. I honestly wish they didn't make any changes at all because now it even further implies that the feature showcase on the website is for the features of the cs2 cheat. I cant help...
  14. hatsuhaze

    Up-To-Date PUBLIC Onetap CS2 Feature List

    Yes, they did not announce anything on the website yet because this is still supposed to be a "beta" version of the cheat that hasn't been finished yet. They did say they will make an announcement once the cheat is fully released (including features like ragebot, skingchanger, chams etc.) but...
  15. hatsuhaze

    Change the marketing page for onetap CS2

    Havent used the cheat much myself, honestly just bought a sub to see whats going on, but apparently, a lot of the features such as skeleton esp and bhop have been removed temporarily because of the recent cs2 update.
  16. hatsuhaze

    Change the marketing page for onetap CS2

    Current onetap home page contains false info on the state of the cs2 cheat. It is a copy paste of the csgo marketing page with the only thing changed being the word "csgo" which has been replaced by "cs2". The page advertises features that do not exist on the cheat at all, including things like...
  17. hatsuhaze

    Onetap CS2

    I know, but to be fair prim only has 1 developer working on it and at least that one dev has had the time to include chams and a skinchanger in the cheat
  18. hatsuhaze

    false, i have negative 200 iq :(

    false, i have negative 200 iq :(
  19. hatsuhaze

    Onetap CS2

    yeah i got annoyed asf at that, sad that primordial still doesn't have it but at least they got skinchanger and shit. Its just stupid that they still don't have it tho.