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  1. JoshS2

    Onetap Resolver

    you suck balls dude
  2. JoshS2

    *tutorial* how to hit more with OT

    stupid kid...
  3. JoshS2

    (I'm new to hvh, Totally unqualified but I thought my opinion would be cool to read) Honest review of OTV4

    didn't ask me, but i'll give my two cents worth, I would recommend finding a playstyle YOU like, not something you see a good player use something that you truly like, make a config based off of that, don't buy one, other peoples configs are made for their playstyle, it won't always match yours...
  4. JoshS2


    A for effort, but I have to agree with the others, in modern hvh 3 kills is very easy to get, maybe next time go for 5+ kills it'll make the video much better.
  5. JoshS2

    My Over Honest Onetap "v4" Review

    unfortunately, most people lack fine motor skills to click and move mouse ;-;
  6. JoshS2

    9K 8K 7K - highlights

    gg ez for authentication
  7. JoshS2


  8. JoshS2

    i buy from signal every time, he would never scam and he honestly has no reason to scam it's...

    i buy from signal every time, he would never scam and he honestly has no reason to scam it's pointless, his threads always state not to fall for fakes... user issue :D
  9. JoshS2


    still dislike pluto for stealing my profile picture he's a little fat boy
  10. JoshS2


    duh just post the video when its ready why would you advertise a video that isn't ready dingus
  11. JoshS2


    nice quality options you pay for that upload?
  12. JoshS2

    Terrible support

    follow troubleshooting guide instead of just being dumb and ignorant
  13. JoshS2

    thanks babe

    thanks babe
  14. JoshS2

    A lot of people don't appreciate their moment until its passed. I plan to celebrate and scream...

    A lot of people don't appreciate their moment until its passed. I plan to celebrate and scream and pop champaign every chance I get cause I'm at the Gamer Awards baby! I know... I know everybody ask me that question, they want to know, "well I know he's gonna wild out, he's gonna do something...
  15. JoshS2

    rip ;-;

    rip ;-;
  16. JoshS2

    Onetap Review (Stolen Format -_-)

    First #EZPZ
  17. JoshS2

    Onetap Review (Stolen Format -_-)

    (I 100% stole this format from Am0s) So, HvH has been a big part of my daily life for about 4 years now, and I have used almost every cheat in the market now (aimware, ev0lve, nemisis, skeet, neverlose etc...). Every cheat has their strengths and weaknesses, and this review will hopefully bring...
  18. JoshS2

    Any info on onetap v4 before i buy?

    The menus have followed the same theme just modernized and freshened up. If you look around forums you can find what older menus look like. Idk if that menu above is what will be used, but I have noticed some cheats following the theme of the profile picture and username. That menu doesn't look...
  19. JoshS2

    Any info on onetap v4 before i buy?

    tbh it probably wont look much different, onetap menus have been fairly similar since the start.
  20. JoshS2

    Yo i cant buy ot subscription cuz it says this Please disconnect from your VPN/Proxy/Tor connection to continue.I dont have a VPN

    ugh i went and made a fancy screenshot just for shitfo to come in here and steal my thunder :mad: