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  1. MarKE


    Onetap p100 buy or ur mom has gey. (even tho u already got a sub now :) )
  2. MarKE


  3. MarKE

    nice name

    nice name
  4. MarKE

    I Would Hate You If I Could

    whats with all the uid memes kinda its a public cheat who cares, anyway nice video man! glws :)
  5. MarKE

    zeus user rage bans.

    idk why you are so salty for, idc about either not complaining about the cheat more the users that rage ban just because they get destroyed in hvh, if you dont like my post then don't be here simple.
  6. MarKE

    zeus user rage bans.

    Getzeus users rage bans my friend because he was getting tapped by us. @Cha0s got banned
  7. MarKE

    A ONETAP.SU Intro

    Love it man!
  8. MarKE

    +rep great config maker with best free cfgs!!

    +rep great config maker with best free cfgs!!
  9. MarKE

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    dw man he is 100% dumb af xD i was playing with peer yesterday and i was tapping him and he has alpha so this kid he probs just cant cfg, also who tf says "coding configs" xD
  10. MarKE

    beste hvh'r

    beste hvh'r