Recent content by AMENO0O

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  1. AMENO0O

    Is it worth?

    I'll do that then xD
  2. AMENO0O

    Is it worth?

    Yeh I play with otc atm and can easily 1v3/1v4 with my cfg against cheats like gamesense/novoline/neverlose, and that is one of the main reasons why I'm wondering if OT is worth buying if it will make it alot easier to play hvh
  3. AMENO0O

    Is it worth?

    I'd rather stick to v3 then :p
  4. AMENO0O

    Is it worth?

    I'm going to be honest, I've been using otc for a couple of months and I've always wondered if buying OT would be worth it for me. I feel like otc is just a bit better than any other cheat for me at the moment because I've been playing hvh on mm and on hvh servers and doing really good with it...
  5. AMENO0O

    Is it worth?

    Is it worth buying v4? I heard that otcv3 is better and that this cheat is dogshit atm.