Yuca's 4 Month Review of Onetap.su!

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Oh hello boys and washing machines, my turn, so let's start!

I would say the ragebot is pretty good if you compare to other cheats, buuuuuuuut- I feel like a lot of times the resolver is being really bipolar, some days I can get about 50 clips, some days I can't even get a positive score.
Now moving on to the anti-aims -
The anti-aims are pretty good, but I wish we had more settings/options to customize is more, if you take aimwhere, they have a lot of settings and a lot of options to change your whole anti-aim, and make some funny aa's.

The visuals are just like most of the Pay2Cheats, but I still like them, because they are clean, you can customize them a lot - and make some eye-candy visuals.
only one thing, make that fucking distance thing into feet :mad:

The miscellaneous tab has a lot of features, and I mean a lot it's really nice that you have a lot of features from that tab, one of my favorites is auto peek (p100)

So yeah that's my review of onetap.su after 4 months - adios
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