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  1. V

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    see ya big fella <3
  2. V

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    Why would I write more than I care to write I just like to make u irritated ur playing my game quite nicely thx come again
  3. V

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    imagine being 12
  4. V

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    big pp bb
  5. V

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    sorry I have better things to do than shadowplay my highlights in hvh and post them to youtube 12 year olds b1g meme
  6. V

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    another false statement bb
  7. V

    alpha + ed's configs :^)

    false I hit major p with eds config