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    Obviously it's not perfect. But it gets the job done for me most of the times.
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    otc vs ot4 (ft. hvh wm highlights)

    Won 16-15 due to making a new config.
  4. O hvh highlights #4 | ft. Jag0yaw

    Very thicc video.
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    Nice clips & editing, don't overdue the black transation it gets pretty annoying and can make eyes hurt.
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    ⭐️hvh highlights⭐️ (ft. onetap v4)

    after 1 year break, still hitting P
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    My very honest review of Onetap V4

    That's a good addition that I wish more cheats had, I always use this when needed to quickly semi-rage against a ezfrags user. Or when someone is blatantly walling. I never had an issue with this so possibly config issue or something else, but afaik this shouldn't be an issue but I heard some...
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    pls update resolver

    Fully agree with this comment, atleast someone with more then 1 iq. That's config issue, obviously do not target feet as explained above, as I am more of an MM HvHer I cannot talk about DT but if it misses try adding some scripts maybe that will fix the issue, and I never had an issue that...
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    Agreed, only if the person is slow walking.
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    My personal review of Onetap

    For me that only happens when the person is slow walking, otherwise I never had an issue with this. Sometimes only 1-2 misses but nothing more that I would care.
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    resolver or something just update

    Slow walk abuser, can't do anything about it. Having a lot of them in WM rn and always have to BAIM :)
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    height advantage miss

    I really don't know your issue and what could be happening, possible you could clip or make a recording for further investigation?
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    Onetap Review

    cfg issue