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  1. LilCape

    Aimware or Onetap

    Listen, I've used both cheats for about a year and OneTap is wayyy ahead in most categories, but AimWares legit bot is so much better in my opinion. All about how you use it I guess.
  2. LilCape

    habib 🍆

    habib 🍆
  3. LilCape

    Its very important please respond

    man idk, im not a staff member so i cant tell if your gonna get banned or not for this, it just seems sus that you say that your brother tried to sell his account a couple months ago yet your account join 2 months ago
  4. LilCape

    Its very important please respond

    just make a new account to NOT get the same uid lmao
  5. LilCape

    Its very important please respond

    and i dont mean your not gonna get banned if you dont have the same hwid, if you buy and dont inject you should have time enough the make a ticket and ask a mod for it in the support section
  6. LilCape

    Its very important please respond

    I dont know, i mean buy a sub and see if you get banned, its only 20$ and aslong as you dont have the same HWID you should be good
  7. LilCape

    Its very important please respond

    Sure it was your brother? Anyways, you will probably getting banned if you cant prove that you didnt do it
  8. LilCape

    -rep cfg sucks kekw

    -rep cfg sucks kekw
  9. LilCape

    HvH Highlights with my new config for v3!

    link to dl: :D
  10. LilCape

    Why did they remove the bitcoin buy option ffs. No one uses stripe..

    i bought onetap a little under a month ago, no reports of it being in use or any purchase has been withdrawn on the card so far.. I think ur safe my guy ;D
  11. LilCape

    I cant buy it for some reason?

    thanks for the help, this seemed to only be a problem while trying to buy from my phone! Well i got it now, thanks for the help! :D
  12. LilCape

    I cant buy it for some reason?

    Hello. I've tried to buy onetap but it dosnt work for some reason, my cards dont seem to go through? Anyone that knows why?