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  1. blasted

    Onetap really needs a visual overhaul.

    this. all cheats are so behind visually, relying on members to download javascripts/luas to compensate. if there was a cheat that had very customizable visuals without the use of scripts i'm sure people would go crazy over it.
  2. blasted

    How can i get Early Adopt?

    gotta adopt a young child from africa like the rest of us... no shortcuts 😤
  3. blasted

    My OT Review after 1week

    of course you're missing !! u only paid 5 euro for your config. pay 50 then talk 😗
  4. blasted


    look around, good free configs are everywhere 😗 if you want to try a paid config, I would recommend 57777's, they're my favorite-- although be warned I haven't had a sub since v3 released.
  5. blasted

    honest review..........

    this is the best troll i've ever seen +rep
  6. blasted

    first day with | [lofi hip hop]
