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  1. realrage2

    i'm 69k

    i'm 69k
  2. realrage2

    first day with onetap v4. ft Subscription Giveaway

    idk that dt speed seems normal to me
  3. realrage2


  4. realrage2

    first day with onetap v4. ft Subscription Giveaway

    isn't that the normal dt i think yall dumb
  5. realrage2

    the NEW experience

    is this what happens when frag videos and hvh combines?
  6. realrage2


    idk what to say but ballsdeep69 sounds good idk
  7. realrage2

    My honest, unbiased opinion of Onetap as of 2020 September

    this dude spittin' fax
  8. realrage2

    a 7k and a 6k in the same match ig

    why are you hacking while hacking not fair for the other dudes :(
  9. realrage2

    ye wat bout it

    ye wat bout it
  10. realrage2

    3,000 post. SUB GIVEAWAY

    may the lucky one win.
  11. realrage2


  12. realrage2

    subi bitmiyor oçun aq

    subi bitmiyor oçun aq
  13. realrage2

    Doubletap with Hide Shots

    What's the difference between only having dt enabled? some people use dt with hs so what's the difference? i've been using only dt not turning on hs btw.
  14. realrage2

    big chungus

    big chungus
  15. realrage2

    Is it possible to Rage using Legit AntiAim?

    Anti Untrusted Off > Anti Aim > Yaw Offset -180 > Pitch Off DONE
  16. realrage2

    Hey Nigga

    Hey Nigga
  17. realrage2

    I'm kinda vibin'

    I'm kinda vibin'
  18. realrage2

    stfu nn

    stfu nn
  19. realrage2

    u can't say the n word

    u can't say the n word
  20. realrage2

    100k uid nn

    100k uid nn