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  1. westerneast

    Short review (HvH)

    What? I wrote AA is not unhittable.
  2. westerneast

    Short review (HvH)

    Wanted to try out onetap again after some time and I'm impressed. Got HWID-reset accepted instantly, created a config in 10 minutes and topped the scoreboard. Anti-Aim: Pretty decent, don't feel like it's bad. Others will miss you and you don't need any scripts. It's not "unhittable" though, so...
  3. westerneast

    Is loading / saving config confirmation working?

    I am guessing the confirmation is to prevent accidentaly overwriting your config, but if the confirmation is enabled for both loading and saving, we will be used to pressing the confirmation button anyways rendering this safety feature useless. I suggest only having confirmation when saving a...
  4. westerneast

    1v4 MM 16-9

    "oNeTaP bRoKeN pLs FiX" At least one was using ot maybe otc idk