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  1. doozy

    "v3 ReSoLveR iS sO bAD"

    every single kill was onshot or their head was out already but the resolver still good
  2. doozy

    Can you fix your baby mode?

    accuracy boost is literally backtrack i am many confused
  3. doozy

    3,000 post. SUB GIVEAWAY

    woah no way
  4. doozy

    hvh highlights w/ lil peep music part 2 ): , more on the way

    how in the fuck do you play with that bloom
  5. doozy

    [] hvh clips #3

    you had that man jumpin for his life, but nice vid
  6. doozy

    Onetap is really not good, in the Moment.

    literally everyone was 10 hp and/or using a paste course ur gonna kill em all
  7. doozy

    cool dude

    cool dude
  8. doozy

    +rep better alpha user than shifto

    +rep better alpha user than shifto
  9. doozy

    hvh clips

    It just makes it so you can see from a third person POV. And onetap is a good cheat, and it's really user friendly, so you should consider trying it out.
  10. doozy

    hvh clips