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  1. smallboye

    My review after a month

    A cheat being "bipolar" is not a thing, I hope you understand that.
  2. smallboye

    My honest, unbiased opinion of Onetap as of October 2020

    exactly, everyone says "onetap is bipolar" but in reality you're just playing against different players each time, with better or different playstyles. anyways, nice review, although I disagree on giving 5/5 on the onetap community and forums.
  3. smallboye

    old hvh

    Onetap has removed the legacy mode.
  4. smallboye

    EXPLOIT with AA

    you're doing something wrong, exploits don't disable desync, they clamp it.
  5. smallboye

    Review after 20 Days of sub.

    141k uid rating v2 and v1 🧐
  6. smallboye

    first media video with

    you could at least put some effort into your media, no one wants to watch you during freezetime and stand still doing nothing.
  7. smallboye

    what the fuck honestly

    How is this relevant to this post?
  8. smallboye

    body pointscale ignores pelvis

    they are masterlooser15 on youtube.
  9. smallboye

    body pointscale ignores pelvis

    as OP said, it's not about hitting him, it's about where it's shooting. Hitchance and min damage are not relevant, the cheat should not shoot the edge of the hitbox if the pointscale is at 1.
  10. smallboye

    Review of OT

    cfg issue.
  11. smallboye

    Resolver bug

    do u have all hitboxes on scout? maybe try forcing pointscale lower?
  12. smallboye

    onetap weak

    low iq post
  13. smallboye

    beaming kids with onetap (free cfg)

    why the fuck did you necro this thread?
  14. smallboye


    spread and cfg issue
  15. smallboye edit experiment

    looks hot i like it
  16. smallboye


    no lifetime
  17. smallboye


    peak comedy right here
  18. smallboye

    OT v3 review after 2 monthsssssssssssss

    what do you mean it dumps a lot in mm? against ragers or legits
  19. smallboye


    this is peak cringe
  20. smallboye

    onetap wallpapers <3

    didn't know a color can mean that you're a weeb