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  1. PeytonWDYM

    Onetap.supplementaries please bless us with a CS2 update.

    Hey Onetap.supplementaries fam. I am hoping for an EPIC update from the onetap.supplementaries development team!!! (why the site rainbow?)Anyway, the supplementaries team MAYBE has been cooking up an update like Walter Hartwell White Yo! I wanna hit P like a real G from GD. Please give us more...
  2. PeytonWDYM

    Just a simple onetap review

    Resolver and AA could use an update. Scripts carry onetap imo which isn't terrible, infact, it gives more customization. In the menu, I think keybinds should be less scattered out. Lets hope they release a good update for cs2. :) I give onetap, overall a 7.5/10