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  1. Nikcats2

    Did you develop a nicotine addiction since the last onetap update?

    hows your addiction going
  2. Nikcats2

    Working on update?

    cause im using neverwin right now and im kinda bored of it so im thinking about buying ot again
  3. Nikcats2

    Working on update?

    Does anyone know if onetap developers are working on an update or is the cheat kinda dead? And how does it perform right now/ r u still able to resolve most people with a good config and playstyle?
  4. Nikcats2

    Old Account, Phone broke so I couldn't use authenticator

    Old Account, Phone broke so I couldn't use authenticator
  5. Nikcats2

    Is ot any good rn?

  6. Nikcats2

    PaYsafe card//Apple pay
  7. Nikcats2


    Don't buy accounts if you plan on actually using the cheat it's your own fucking fault nobody is going to reset it
  8. Nikcats2

    my questions

    1. Theres no walbot that goes to the enemy, kills them automatically etc... The only thing that exists is a bad blockbot js (bcs it from v3) but that wont help you. 2. You cannot do that but MAYBE you can with a js that could be possible
  9. Nikcats2

    I don't have insert key.

    Just search for the key combination to press insert or search for screen keyboard in windows and press ins there OR download any macro software to put ins on any other key on your keyboard
  10. Nikcats2

    day 144 with no update...(i'm losing my mind)

    ur a good men
  11. Nikcats2

    when was the last update

    haha didn't come onetap gayyy