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  1. S

    SUB GIVEAWAY !!! 2k posts woot

    ShadowD#5501 I need sub i hope i win it is gonna end in a few minutes(ik that the winner will be announced in 7 days but still my sub will end in a minute ;d)
  2. S

    ot v3 is bacicaly idiot proof

    No, its too idiot proof that the smart people (not like u) cant cfg because the customizability is fucking gone u cant do shit u dont even have hitbix override and mindmg override. Pls revert!
  3. S

    ot v3 is bacicaly idiot proof

    For the doubletap hitchance they can, or atleast my dynamic dt hc script is much smarter than ot's one by a light year. #bringbackdthc
  4. S

    ot v3 is bacicaly idiot proof

    They made the cheat so idiot proof that it became harder to config cuz u didnt have any ways to do something different. At the start the new update was kinda good but then 1 update ruined it even more. Before that 1 update (i forgot which) u could use frikin 35 hc and not miss due to anything...
  5. S

    first week with onetap alpha

    ye xd
  6. S

    first week with onetap alpha

    edit: 10000/10 clips: 1/10 (not 10ks no 9ks ;d and u bald)
  7. S

    honest onetap review

    more like ragebot 4/10 but still this bruteforce resolver is pretty bad. they should atleast try to make a normal non-bruteforce resolver and put the bruteforce as a second resolver (if the logic one misses not due to spread comes the bruteforce one)
  8. S

    honest onetap review

    ye more like it aimbot/ragebot - p1000 resolver - frikin negative cuz its just a fucking bruteforce resolver that misses otc even while crouching and standing still with 80 hc with scout and 70 hc with auto
  9. S

    ot v3 vs otc
