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  1. smart


  2. smart

    never x xyno x fokuz x deadly x brkn (16-11)

    you lost 9-1, the only thing Im scared of is that I will waste even more time on an internet tranny boy that got fucking demolished in a 1v1 after tt me for no reason.
  3. smart


  4. smart

    Possible improvement of ot

    I literally got a headache reading this, all your "metaphors" got me angry I cant understand a fucking thing.
  5. smart

    Onetap Review (Review of someone who has only cheated on cs for 4 months, and 3 months in HvH)

    Aw is fucking dogshit onetap > every public cheat. I do choose skeet over onetap due to the current state of skeet but we will see if it changes anytime soon, kinda miss onetap community / staff
  6. smart

    current state

  7. smart

    current state

    need to know if its worth as an alternative to skeet, no bullshit just tell me how it performs / pros n cons
  8. smart


  9. smart

    nice undermining in shoutbox!

    nice undermining in shoutbox!
  10. smart

    Just saw you got into the staff team, congratz bud<3

    Just saw you got into the staff team, congratz bud<3
  11. smart


  12. smart

    Miniontage [ONETAP ALPHA MOVIE]

    -rep thanks means nigga in indian
  13. smart

    Miniontage [ONETAP ALPHA MOVIE]

    holy shit ur so funny actuall degenerate go do something thats worth ur time like kys cause ur a waste of space -rep
  14. smart

    give sub dad

    give sub dad
  15. smart

    så när får jag sub? tycker jag borde få det för llama signa mig ;)

    så när får jag sub? tycker jag borde få det för llama signa mig ;)
  16. smart

    When wish has confirmed multiply times through ur steam acc, discord, and ur hwid saying last...

    When wish has confirmed multiply times through ur steam acc, discord, and ur hwid saying last time u got invited u got banned the same day and it was last year.
  17. smart

    You dont have skeet, you cant put on clantag, you suggest skeet visual things when you have...

    You dont have skeet, you cant put on clantag, you suggest skeet visual things when you have "acces" to the hack. you can never show screenshots with you using it etc.
  18. smart


  19. smart

    My fav moderator 😳

    My fav moderator 😳