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  1. senseful

    Does onetap have OBS Proof?

    TITLE - This is basically the deciding factor if I wanna buy the cheat or not, I didn't see it in the features tab, but I'll ask just in case.
  2. senseful

    Why no paypal?

    Hi, I wanted to ask why there is no payment option for paypal. I can obviously get a reseller, but I feel like that's just spending more money. I'm sure there's a reason behind it and i'd like to know it :). Could be that there's an obvious reason for it and i'm just dumb. Regards, senseful.
  3. senseful


    Hi, Wanted to ask what cheats does this actually tap. Im choosing right now which one to buy. OT or Aimware. Would ot beat aimware in fair 1v1? What other cheats does ot beat? I'm really just interested in hvh. I really don't care about legit cheating. Im all about hvh. Honest answers pls :D
  4. senseful


    Hi, I wanted to ask this before buying. Am I going to be able to refund the cheat if for example the fps is too unbearable? Or I run into any other problems?