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  1. thinkingLeymo

    what I think about onetap. Give me alpha and it will be god mode again

    trash review, open your eyes... most things you mentioned already worked at release
  2. thinkingLeymo


    The cheat isn't up-to-date at all, which doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. 9/10 users will tell you it's trash, but I've seen the opposite. With the right config, you can easily play just like every neverlose/prim/fatality/skeet user...
  3. thinkingLeymo

    ot review (before 2022 update)

    "13 days now, i think i am in a position of where i can create an accurate and non biased review" you high or something?
  4. thinkingLeymo

    is one tap worth it

    it's a hvh update for some random cheap legit cheat (Completely pasted btw). cant hit shit but people think its good because there are many highlights on youtube