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  1. yoshisaac

    Using half a year later and still hitting p100 (free config)

    Config in the description, please like the video at the very least 😊
  2. yoshisaac

    I made my first media.

    Are you being nice? Thank you so much!
  3. yoshisaac

    I made my first media.

    Get it? I'm Dr. Coomer from HL1?
  4. yoshisaac

    I made my first media.

    Hello Gordon! Thank you for not being mean! I will note this, I don't have great video editing software (windows video editor) but it seems like you are very nice. Also, one last thing is I started doing hvh in 2020 so I know a little bit about hvh.
  5. yoshisaac

    I made my first media.

    It's my media for onetap. Please like it at the very least.
  6. yoshisaac

    raping people in matchmaking hvh

    How do you get into a mm hvh match?